Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Plyometric Drills

Plyometric drills are a great way to teach any team or yourself how to jump higher. The drills in plyometric training should not be done after doing legs because the muscles in the legs should be fresh when beginning any sort of jumping training regimen.

Drill #1

Fitness Ball Workout

Set up plyometric boxes in a right row of 4 boxes. Clarify to everybody that you will be stepping off the box and jumping onto the next one as speedily as possible. The 2 major things to point out here are that you step off the box and you don't jump off the box. Second, you want to be in perceive with the ground for as exiguous time as possible. We aren't trying to cushion the landing with our knees while this exercise. We are trying to manufacture the fast twitch muscles in our legs to do the reacting.

Plyometric Drills

Drill #2

Pick something high such as the rim or backboard. If you can't jump and touch whether one of those things than pick something that you can touch. Stand under the rim and set a timer for 10 seconds. You are going to jump and touch the rim as many times as you can in ten seconds.

Drill #3

Get a treatment ball that weighs about 8 pounds. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and bend down (at the knees, not the lower back) until the ball touches the ground in in the middle of your feet. From this squatted position you are going to explode up jump as high as you can while you throw the ball up (and maybe behind you) as high as you can.

With all of these exercises you will rest in in the middle of sets a exiguous longer than you would for quarterly training because you want to get the most out of each rep or every set while training.

Plyometric Drills